Grade Disputes And Appeals In California
The process for appealing a final grade can be complicated and requires thorough preparation. Disputing a grade on your own, without legal support, can be challenging and is often met with unfavorable results.
At the San Diego Education Law Group, we are committed to protecting the legal rights of students and parents involved in disputes with public and private academic administrations. For over 25 years, our law firm has provided efficient legal representation for all types of education-related issues, including grade disputes and appeals.
If you need to appeal a grade, call our firm to schedule a free consultation with a knowledgeable education law attorney today.
Reasons To Appeal A Grade
The most common reasons for appealing a final grade include:
- Inconsistent with performance: The grade is not consistent with the student’s actual performance in class.
- Clerical error: An error was made while calculating or recording a grade.
- Inconsistent grading procedures: An assigned grade is not consistent with the standards and procedures of the academic establishment.
- Discrimination: A grade was given on the basis of a student’s race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, etc.
- Personal bias: A grade was assigned out of personal malice toward a student.
If you believe that you or your child received a grade due to one or more of these reasons, it is essential to get the help of an experienced California education law lawyer.
At the San Diego Education Law Group, we offer strong support and legal assistance throughout the entire appeal process. After carefully evaluating your individual situation, we will work hard on developing a strategic plan to move forward and help you achieve your goals.
Do not let one grade stand between you and your future plans. We represent clients throughout California from our offices in Carlsbad, Del Mar Heights and Mission Valley.
For quick assistance in scheduling your free initial consultation with a highly experienced education law attorney, please call us at 619-626-2084.